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Disney's Coaster

Disney's Coaster is a computer game in which you can build your
own rollercoaster and then ride it. Overall it is a very fun game but,
the game really limits what you can do with track. The track pieces are
as follows... Lift, Straight, 90 degree turn, Big Loop, Small Loop,
Corkscrew. The game isn't too high-tech since it came out around
1985. Since the game is no longer available in stores, it is located at the
link below for you to download and use.

UPDATED on 7/27/99
The files below now include the exact files that originally came with
the program, including tracks. I also found out that the old files rarely
worked, but now they should be fine for any computer with Dos.

Self-Executable File(Dos)
Zip File(Dos)

DC Edit

DC Edit is a windows program that allows you to extend the boundaries
of Disney's Coaster. It can take turns and bank them more, take lifts and
make them steeper, and it also added a tunnel track that you can put on
your coasters. It's free, and located below.

Self-Executable File(Windows)
Zip File(Windows)


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