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Roller Coaster Tycoon - Trainers

Trainers are a program that you run while running Roller Coaster Tycoon. They can give you alot of things but also freeze the game or even your whole computer. Some trainers will not work with some versions of Corkscrew Follies, so you are just going to have to use trial and error to find one that works. All I can say is save your parks frequently and USE WITH CAUTION!!!


Trainer Name Game Special Features Size
DragonsIOA Trainer v5.0

Contact by Email

Loopy Landscapes This thing has basically every feature I have ever seen in a RCT trainer, and more. I really don't feel the need to list all of its features, I'll just tell you that its by far the best I have seen. Download NOW! 1.21 mb
Snowbound LL Trainer v. 4.5

Made By Snowbound

Loopy Landscapes Park Rating
Add Peeps
Close / Open Park
Win Scenario
8mph Lift
All Scenery
Enable All Research
Fast Research
All Attractions
Lava Water
Disable Puke
Reliable Rides
Only Sunshine
Reset Date
Freeze Time
Game Speed
275 kb
Woses Beta 4

Contact by Email

Loopy Landscapes Open / Close Park
Set Park Rating at 999
Park Enterance Fee
Modify Goals
Change Year
Modify Coaster Length
Modify Number of Peeps
Change Park Value
Modify Monthly Income
Change Excitement
Monthly Ride Tickets
Peep Buses
Disable Puke
Change / Freeze Weather
Lava Water
Reliable Rides
Set $ at 10 million
Fast Research
All Rides / Attractions
All Scenarios
Change Game Speed
Freeze Time
Reset Date
Lift Hill Speed
1.09 mb
RCTrainer Lite

Made By Techno

Corkscrew Follies This trainer can do alot of things others can't. You can put up to 15 trains with 15 cars on a single roller coaster track. You can launch any type of roller coaster up to the speed of 573 mph. You can even change the position of the Park Enterance or even add another one. But it can still do simple things like add $50,000 Cash, Get all rides and scenery, and even keep your park sunny (or rainy if you want) all year round. Check this Trainer out now!! 80 kb
Beta Trainer 6

Made By Techno

Corkscrew Follies Add $50,000 Cash
All Rides/Scenery
Enable All Scenarios
End Scenario
Fire Staff
Healthy Guests
Make Rides New
Perfect Guests
Remove All Guests
Repeat Last Command
Rotate Weather
Win Scenario
Keep Park Full
Quick Research
Macho Guests
Stop Date
65 kb
Beta 5v Trainer

Made By Techno

Corkscrew Follies Add $50,000 Cash
All Rides / Scenery
Auto Advertising
Cleanup Paths
Cleanup Park
Clear All Owned
Empty Trashcans
Enable All Scenarios
End Scenario
eXtreme Research
Flatten Owned Land
Flood Lowland
Healthy Guests
Keep Park Full
Macho Guests
Make Rides New
Mow Owned Grass
Own All Land
Perfect Guests
Quick Research
Remove Owned Trees
Remove Water
Repair Vandalism
Reverse Economics
Rotate Land Type
Rotate Weather Num
Set Money @ $2,000,000
Stop Date Advance
Unlimited Staff
Water All Gardens
Win Scenario End
82.0 kb
US CF Beta 4 Trainer

Made By Techno

Corkscrew Follies Clear All Owned
Flatten Owned Land
Mow Owned Grass
Add $50,000
Set Money at $2,000,000
Reverse Economics
Win Scenario
End Scenario
Quick Research
Extreme Research
All Rides/Scenery
Perfect Guests
Macho Guests
Make Rides New
Own All Land
Clear Owned Trees
Stop Date Advance
Water All Gardens
Rotate Weather
Auto Advertising
Hide Vandalism
Enable Scenarios
Healthy Guests
Remove Water
52.0 kb
Original RCTrainer

Made By Techno

Original Roller Coaster Tycoon Add 100 guests
Auto Advertising
Change Land Type
Clear All Owned
Clear Owned Trees
Enable All Scenarios
Flatten Owned Land
Happy Guests
Macho Guests
Make Rides New
Mow Owned Grass
Own All Land
Reduce Nausea
Rich Guests
Rotate Weather
Set Temp at 25 degrees
Stop Date Advance
Unlimited Staff
All rides/scenery
Quick Research
Current Research
Add $50,000
Set Money at $2,000,000
Win Scenario
End Scenario
53.0 kb

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© 2001 Coasterhost.com unless otherwise noted.